About JohnSavesEnergy

Published Tuesday August 12, 2014: Updated January 25, 2015

About John Saves Energy
JohnSavesEnergy is a free website that is dedicated to sharing energy-saving tips, improvements and knowledge, freely with the world. While the information is free, hosting a website costs money. But in truth, this website is invaluable to me personally. JohnSavesEnergy is my Grail Diary where I can refer back to my previous notes and findings at any time, anywhere and so can you!
If you like what you see here, I also offer JSE merchandise and highly valued consultation services. Click here for more information. 
If you have any any ideas for future articles or wish to offer peer review or grammatical/factual error correction, please contact me at kc7ekk@gmail.com

John Loveless

If you would like to help John continue to provide free, unbiased, valuable energy-saving information on this website, you can do so by donating here. 
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