Electric Vehicles

Last updated November 3, 2021

Electric Vehicles

296,401 All-Electric Miles and Counting! (as of 2/03/2024)

Years Driven Year Make Battery Range Electric Miles Driven Status
2011 to 2012 1992 Toyota EV Pickup Truck 38 12,482 Retired
2012 to 2015 1991 Geo Metro EV 60 17,487 Retired
2015 to 2024 2012 Nissan Leaf SV 76 57,900 (8841 mi at purchase) Sold in 2024
2013 to 2024 2013 Nissan Leaf SL 84 110,873 Sold in 2024
2017 to present 2017 Chevy Bolt 259 105,000 Still Driving
2024 to present 2021 Chevy Bolt 259 1000 (32,178 mi at purchase) still driving
2024 to present 2024 Tesla Model Y 310 500 Still Driving
Total 296,401 miles and counting
This section is about Electric vehicles. To find out more, click on the green links to the right --->
All our vehicles are 100% electric. Natasha, (a Chevy Bolt), Edith and Raj, (both Nissan Leafs). We don't even own a gas container anymore. 
Electric cars go really far now too. 
I took my new Bolt (Natasha) on a spur of the moment drive to Southern Utah and she performed wonderfully. 

People sometimes ask me, "You drive electric cars? Oh you must be rich." 
To which I reply, "I have a loving spouse and wonderful children so yes, I am very rich indeed. Never mind that you can now buy a used electric car like a Nissan Leaf for under $7,000 USD. 

The garage floor has never been so clean and oil free. The garage now just smells like any other room in the house. In fact with all risks of gasoline combustion and CO poisoning eliminated, it begs the question, why not induct the garage and make it a full fledged addition to the living space in the house? 

Before affordable, commercially available all-electric cars were available, I took matters into my own hands by converting a couple of gas vehicles over to all-electric ones. A pickup truck and a two door hatch back. 

Click on the links to the right to follow my exciting journey with electric cars. 

My first working EV. A 1992 Toyota Pickup Truck that I converted myself. 
A detailed list of specs for my all-electric pickup truck can be found here.

A 1993 Geo Metro that I converted to electric myself. 
A detailed list of specs for my all-electric Geo Metro can be found here.

In 2008 I attempted converting a gas car to all electric. 
In December 2011, I drove my electric truck in the Kaysville City Christmas Lights Parade. I didn't realize the participants are supposed to throw candy to the crowd. Being the energy conscious guy that I am, perhaps I should have thrown CFL bulbs instead. WAIT, bad idea. 
In October 2011, I drove my electric pickup truck along the steep 12% grade of Lakeview drive up to Bountiful Boulevard at the top. This is probably the first time an electric vehicle has been up here. It made the trip nearly a dozen times since. 
In October 2011, I drove my electric pickup truck to Antelope island. It is probably the first time an EV has ever driven to this ancient place. 
In December 2012, I retired the EV Pickup truck for a more practical and energy efficient Geo EV and to make room in the garage for more electric vehicles. 
In May 2013, Cheryl moved up in the world from her unreliable gas powered mini-van to a 2013 all-electric Nissan Leaf (named Edith). It is the ideal vehicle for a mother of 4 who runs A LOT of errands. 
We officially became a 100% electric, 2-car family. 
In February 2015, John retired his Geo from daily commuting and bought a used Blue 2012 Nissan Leaf (named Raj). 
What! Friends can listen to Endless Love in the DARK. 

The Geo's parts were sold and proceeds went toward paying off Raj's car loan more quickly. 

In late 2017, the Chevy Bolt became available in Utah. At the same time, our oldest child got her drivers license. I took ownership of the new Bolt (Natasha) and our daughter bought Raj (Blue 2012 Leaf) from me. 

Now we are a 3 Electric Car family. 

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