Energy Unit Conversions

Published 10/29/2021

Energy Unit Conversions

Electricity is very versatile and billed by the kilowatt-hour.

Let's convert other units of energy to kilowatt-hours so we can compare them all side by side. 

  • Coal Thermal Energy = 6150 kWh/ton (3.075 kWh/pound)
  • Coal Electric Energy (40% efficiency) = 2460 kWh/ton (1.23 kWh/pound)
  • 1 gallon of gasoline = 34.6 kWh
  • 1 dekatherm of natur al gas = 293 kWh
  • 3,600,000 Joule = 1 kWh
  • 3412 BTU = 1 kWh
  • 860 Food calories = 1 kWh
  • 1 Candy bar (280 calories) = 0.325 kWh
Interesting that 1 candy bar is almost 1/100th the same energy as a gallon of gas. 
Therefore if you ate 100 candy bars, you would have... diabetes. So don't eat that many. 

Assuming electricity costs 11.4 cents/kWh, 1 watt running continuously all year would cost $1.00/year. 
100 watts running continuously all year would cost $100/year. 

According to E=mc², if you could convert 1 kg of matter directly into energy it would be: 
1 kg x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000 = 90,000,000,000,000,000 Joules (25,000,000,000 kWh).
That's enough energy to drive an electric car (getting 4 miles/kWh) 100 Billion miles. 
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